Healthy Alternatives
Holistic Dentist Providing Full Service Dental Care
24 East Main Street
Chillicothe, Ohio 45601

Dedicated to Your Health and Appearance

Perio Protect
Millions of Americans have gum disease....gingivitis or periodontitis. Common symptoms of oral bacerial infections in the gum tissue include:
Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing
Receding gums (teeth appear longer)
Obvious plaque, tartar or calculus
Spaces developing between your teeth
Swollen, red or tender gums
Persistent bad breath
Sensitive teeth
Teeth are loose or mobile
It is important to talk with your doctor and hygienist about the condition and treatment options.
Gum disease starts when a community of bacteria called biofilm develops in the space or pocket between the teeth and gum tissue, causing an infection. The symptoms are part of the body's response to the bacterial infection. Many people ignore the symptoms, but the disease is serious. Not only is gum disease the number one cause of tooth loss, but research has also linked oral bacterial infections to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, and other chronic health conditions.
Gum disease is commonly treated with professional dental treatments that physically remove the biofilms. Unfortunately, bacterial growth is hard to control between office visits. Biofilms regenerate very easily and are difficult to reach unter the gums with toothbrush, rinse and floss.
The Perio Protect Method combines in-office treatments with daily Perio Tray delivery of medication. The Perio Tray is available only with a prescription from Dr. Ball. It has a unique sealing system customized specifically for your mouth to keep medication at the site of the infections.